氦氖激光治疗仪 型号:GZ-2A:
规格与技术特点: 主要技术指标(Specification): 1、电源电压(Power Voltage): 220V±10% 50Hz 2、消耗功充(Power Consumption):≤50W 3、激光波长(Wave Length of Laser):632.8nm红色(red) 4、激光功率(Laser Power):≥8-12mW 5、水平旋转(Horizontal turning):360° 6、俯仰角(Angle of pitch):±45° 7、时间预置范围(Range of time setting):1-99分钟(minutes) 8、重量(Weight):7.5kg 功能特点: 这具有1-99分钟任意选择定时时间,利用光导纤维测定功率,可配多种光导纤维,扩束镜等特点。产品分类:为3B产品。按电击防护分类属I类BF型、不防进液的普通设备。产品标准号:Q/CYG-JG-002-1998。注册证号:京药器监(准)字92第224006号。 GZ-2A He-Ne Laser therapeutic Instrument Features: It has following features such as:free time setting in the range of 1-99minutes;power testing byn optic fiber; many types of optic fiber and diffuse beam lens can be matched.It is classified in product of 3B. 应用范围: 治疗范围: 五官科:中耳炎、过敏性鼻炎、咽炎等; 皮肤科:带状泡疹、神经性皮炎、斑秃等; 口腔科:口腔溃疡、唇炎、牙周炎等; 理疗科:神经性头疼、哮喘、肋软骨炎等; 外科:伤口愈合不好、皮肤溃疡、消炎、疖肿等。